큐티책 추천 생명의 삶 2024년 3월호

Life of Life March issue (revision of translation) Publishing Duran No. 2024.02.12.3/27 (Wednesday) Luke 23:13-25 Bilado could not find a sin worthy of death in Jesus, but when he saw the crowd, he considered his safety and handed him over. You see me, who did not look at the truth but looked at people and changed my choice depending on how others did. The cutie book says to use such Pilado as an example. It is said that when you fall into self-centeredness, you look bigger than Jesus. My standard of choice should be Jesus and I have to choose only for the Lord over the majority, but it doesn’t work well. I hope I will be who never leaves the Lord’s side even if many people deny the truth. Please help me with my insufficient faith. May my standard of choice be Jesus, not man! 3/28 (Thursday) Luke 23:33~43 “Father, I forgive them. They do not know what they are doing.” He rather forgave those who mocked him. There were three crosses on the Golgorda Hill. One prisoner mocked Jesus, and one prisoner blamed such a prisoner and asked him to remember him. Then Jesus saved him. It may be the best choice in the prisoner’s life. In an instant, I went from hell to heaven… It is never too late to go back to Jesus. Jesus loves us but loves us to the end. **I saved you. You will be fine not only now but forever.” All we have to do is thank the savior Jesus and trust him and follow him. 3/29 (Fri) Luke 23:44-5646 Jesus called out loud and said, “Father, do you ask for my soul in your father’s hands?” After saying this, he hid, and it is said that Jesus’ last prayer is the prayer we should do for the rest of our lives. God is the only one who can entrust everything. He told me that no one is perfect and that only God is the one to whom I can rely. All I have to do is to stop the vain effort to be perfect, to put down my ego and leave everything to God. **Faith is to leave everything to the Lord. And to believe that the Lord will protect everything. Joseph, who held Jesus’ funeral, did not reveal himself as a disciple of Jesus at first because he was afraid of the Jews, but later he revealed himself courageously for the funeral. It is difficult to have a perfect faith at once, but God gives us a chance to return and develops it little by little. I leave everything to God. Choosing God’s discipleship by courage in life 4/8 (Monday) Rome 5:6-116 As promised, when we were still weak, Christ died for the ungodly. 8 When we were still sinners, Christ died for us, confirming his love for us. 11 Not only that, but also because of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is now harmonious with us, I was in sin at this time. It was a repetition of sin, repentance, and repentance. Even I thought that I hate myself and who would like this dirty me. But God kept waiting to tell me that he loved me… What a fool. Thank you for loving me like this. Luke 24:1-12 Women who have prepared to enjoy Jesus by loving him. God who rolled stones for such women by sending angels. Peter, who immediately ran to the word that Jesus has survived, may his love be greater than his love for people. God, pity my lack of faith and help. **Let the word of the Lord prevail over my experience or rational judgment.Psalms 42:1-1183/1(Fri.) During the day, the Lord will show his kindness, and at night his praise will be upon me to pray to the God of life (my prayer will reach the God who has become my life.)9 I will say to God, my rock. “Why have you forgotten me? Why should I walk around grieving oppressed by my enemies?”11 Oh my soul, why are you so depressed? Why are you so anxious in me? You hope for God. I will praise him rather than help him. The text in the cutie book and the cutie app was a little different, but I am grateful to God for listening to the words in the cutie app. I was depressed and anxious, but I thought God would see me and meet me with words. I knew you would always be watching me, but I was glad to hear you clearly in this way. And thank you for listening to my prayers and for letting me know what God will do in history. [Application] Have a hope for God. He will appear and help him, and I will still praise God! Remembering the words, I should put my hope on God and live happily believing in his help! Psalms 44:1-8***God plants his own people and does not leave them indifferent. Because God is not with him, Israel lost the war. And I keep crying out to God. 26 Rise and help us, save us, because of your kindness, and I was able to ask God for help because of the confidence that God loves them. Faith is said to be about relying on God’s kindness and looking at him to the end even in the midst of hardships. It is God that won and defeated him. All are God’s sovereignty. We should not dare to resent God by insisting on our thoughts and standards. I said that I was God’s instrument, disciple, and servant, and I had a hard time if it didn’t go my way. I was grateful that God loved and waited for me, even though I was so weak. [Application] 3/6 (Wednesday) Psalms 46:1-1111 God is our refuge and strength. It is help that is right in front of us when we are suffering.2 Therefore, we will not be afraid even if the land is gone or the mountains fall into the sea. 4 There is a river that pleases the castle of God by flowing through the sanctuary where the very high man is. 5 God is in the castle and the castle will not be shaken, for he helps in the early morning. “Think calmly and know that I am God. I will be raised among the nations of the Gentiles, and I will be raised from the earth.” God our refuge. We are not afraid because of God’s help. God is the one who presides over all things and changes all my situations. Let’s remember, believe, and rely on God’s goodness. God protects his children in the best way! [Application] Psalm 3/7 (Thursday) 47:1~92 The Lord, who is extremely high, is a afraid man. 3 He will make people obey under us and put those people under our feet. God is extremely high and a great king who governs the whole land. Such God has made us God’s people. So we win.Praise and worship are said to make you love God more. Praise during worship hours, sharing and worshiping God at ranch meetings, and visiting praise gatherings were ways to love God more. [Application] I must choose a way to love God more. I should live today believing in victory as God’s Vekseong. Psalms 48:1-1414 This God is our God forever, so he may be surprised at the phenomenon that he seems to lead us to death. However, there is a God who wants to receive glory and praise through his people. God is with him, but he is stronger and a full fortress than any other power in the world. The benevolent God will forever be our God and guide us to death! I kept praying because I was anxious until yesterday’s division of duties came out. Whatever the outcome, please let me believe in God’s supervision and obey him in the best direction. God replied. I was surprised and grateful to see the result. When I rely on and call out for God, God responds surprisingly. Doesn’t the God who made history at work make history in the realm that I am troubled with? No. Since God is the same, he will call out and rely on that realm, and he will respond surprisingly. Even now, the good God may be preparing a plan for me in a place that I cannot see. [Application] Remembering God who takes responsibility for us until we die, relying on God and longing for his help. 3/10 (weekly) Psalm. 49:13-2016 When a man dismisses it and adds to the glory of his house, do not fear.17 Even if he does not take anything to die, and his glory may not follow him.18 Even though he celebrates himself in his lifetime and is praised by people for doing well by himself, they will never see light when they return to their former ancestors.20 You know, but those who do not realize one are like animals that perish. But if you do not realize Jesus, you will end up in hell. God talks about evil people who do not know God but live well in the world. Do not be afraid of them. Do not be envious. They are going well toward destruction. So love them with a good heart… [Application] Don’t be afraid of the plight of the wicked and try to love them with a compassionate heart because they are only going to destruction (Jesus is loving)Cutie book body citations: **3/20 (Wednesday) Psalms 57:1-112 To God who cries out to God who exists, David saw not today’s despair, but tomorrow’s wish. David dreamed that God would be honored on everything. He sincerely thought of the kingdom and righteousness before his own glory. It occurred to me that the reason David was greatly used was there. Did all the things I now want to think about God’s glory first and hope? No. Wasn’t it just that I wanted to be happy, and if I dig in more, I wanted to put a man in God’s place and rely on him? Isn’t it natural that God who loves me doesn’t give it to me because it is the center of such a mind? [Application] Let’s give the throne of my life to God, not me… It doesn’t work well, but I keep trying to be conscious and alert. Relying on God, not man, 3/21 (Thursday) Psalm 58:1~111 Rulers, do you have to speak justice or how can it be quiet all the time? You have to make a proper judgment, you have to make a proper judgment, and how can it be quiet all the time?11 At that time, the words of man are truly repaid to the righteous, and there is a God who judges from the earth. I think it is given to me to pray for the rulers to speak justice and make correct judgments. You need prayers for the country. And at the place of life, I must also speak when I speak justice and judge correctly when I make judgments. Let us pray for the country. Let us pray for the righteous and judge God. So that we can say just things and judge right. Look at God, not the unjust ruler, but the sovereign of all things. 3/22 (Friday) Psalm 59:1-1710 My God will greet me with his benevolence, and let him see that my enemy is repaid.***You must express your anger and wounds well in front of God so that you can experience God’s touch. In that grace, a heart of tolerance arises. God is stronger than a strong evil man! What should man do to me, let us not fear man and fear God, because the hands of the Lord are short.[Application] Looking at God who helps me and is with me in a crisis, expressing anger and hurt well in God. 3/24 (week) Pieces 61:1-8 The Lord who wants me to pray honestly for my heart, not relying on people when my heart is weak. God is my only refuge. He also taught me that I should pray that God protects my leaders with factor and truth. I should pray for the pastor in charge, the deputy pastor, the youth pastor, and the leaders. I used the greed of Luke 22:1-13 on March 25 (Monday) to enter his heart and commit a crime of betraying Jesus. Satan can enter a person’s heart and commit a sin. Because greed was nesting in Judah’s heart, he allowed me to build a nest when the sin came, and eventually he carried out the sin. I have to be always awake so that my heart does not become a playground for Satan. Satan attacks me with the weakest part, and I feel that a lot these days. I feel like a battlefield in my heart. It is necessary to be alert and sensible so that sin does not build a nest when it comes to my thoughts and minds. I hope this hard heart is cleared up and peaceful. Jesus, who told me where to prepare the dinner before June. Like the two disciples who obeyed Jesus’ orders, even if they do not understand it, they can obey without doubting the will of the Lord. Luke 22:39-53 Jesus overcame the temptation and test of the cross by choosing prayer. If you can avoid it if you can, you should avoid it, but I want Jesus’ prayer of obedience to drink as I please and God’s will to be my prayer. He wants me to choose prayer in front of the important choice of my life. Prayer is not asking me to listen to what I want, but to help me obey God’s will. I have asked God’s will, and even though I say I obey, I am not obedient. I am doing what I want to do. In the end, I know with my head that this is delaying God’s plan for me, but it doesn’t work out well. … I was a little disappointed in myself, but you told me again today. Look at God’s good plan, choose a prayer, and obey him. … I hope you can hold my heart and ask God, not people. Praying hard will not change the confirmed will of God, allowing me to give up my will, discern and obey God’s will. Our prayers must be mobilized to accept and obey the confirmed will of God.March Word: Psalms 42~61 / Troubles Week, Easter QT Every day, I make a meditation record with cuteness. I pray that God’s love will flow to everyone who reads this. And, I pray that only God will be honored through this article.Like this, March has passed. From the last week of March, I thought, “I have to do cutie on the week of March…” and put it off, but I finally finished it in April. March this year was hard, but I think I was able to hold on because of God. Oh, I did a cutie challenge at church, but I completed it and received a gifticon! Good job, March! Thank God for being so grateful! #WankQ #CutieChallenge3/18 (Mon)**In desperate situations, the Psalm reporter exhorts himself. “Leave your luggage to the Lord” (v. 22). When your heart collapses in a dark situation, you should not try to solve it yourself, but seek God’s help. If you leave our burden to God who knows and loves us, he will hold us unwavering. 3/19 (Tue) Psalms 56:1-134 There is nothing to be afraid of, as I rely on God and praise him for his words. What can a body that has no choice but to die do to me? 8 Lord bends on my wandering, so that my tears will be contained in your bottle. Aren’t they written in your book? 9 Then enemies will retreat when I call out to the Lord. Will I not see God’s convenience with this! 11 I have nothing to be afraid of because I rely on God. What can man do to me? **Things are unchanged, but what should I ask for faith with confidence in my future response? I remembered what we shared during the weekly meeting. The reason I am having a hard time now is that my eyes remain only in the present. It’s hard because I’m not sure about the future response that God will give me the best, so I’m not looking at the future, but I’m looking at the past and the present. I know it with my head, but it’s hard because it doesn’t work out well. I should keep practicing looking at future responses with faith. When asked about the cutie question, I thought I should pray for my spouse with faith. I feel that God is taking a close look at me. As I sought the blessings of meeting, he gave me an opportunity to meet through the people around me. During the prayer time on Sunday, the pastor kept telling me, and those words were just like those for me. (Remembering my work life….) I should go home today and organize it by watching the worship video again. [Application] Let’s not be afraid of people, but only fear God. Let’s not stay in the past and present, but live today with confidence in our future responses and not be deceived by the devil!

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