Hello, everyone next to you. Hello, I’m going to get cold today, but I’m going to get cold. I’m going to get it. I’ve been cold. I’ve been going to do! SIMON OUTLET is very cheap, but it is discounted to 70 percent, but I think it’s a lot of products such as coach bag, and wallet, wallet, and wallet, and wallet, wallet, wallet! COACH is a brand that is a brand that is a brand that is a reasonable price, so please come to the quality design item- I’ll start using the badge usage – Oregon – OILE DES-TILE-free accessible to $200 dollars
▲ When you first enter the official website, they will log in first~ Click on the icon you see on the right side at the top of the screen!

▲ If you have already registered as a member, please enter your email address and password immediately and log in.Otherwise, press Create Account to create an account!
▲ After creating your name, available email address and password in English, they will click the CREATE ACCOUNT again!! By the way, the check mark below is about receiving or agreeing to Simon Outlet related news, so if you don’t want it, please uncheck it and move on

▲ Start shopping, but you can first select the brand or product you are looking for through the categories at the top of your homepage! You can also do it by searching.But what I’m going to look into today is Simon Outlet’s direct purchase method, so let’s go to COACHOUTLET~!!
COACH OUTLET SHORTCUT ▲ It’s easy to see because you can buy items for only $129, bags in the price range of $100 or less, and gift items under $30!! Shall we go into Shop Now and see the discounted items?
▲Sales are being held at a glance~!! You can’t miss this opportunity, can you? Since it’s a direct purchase from Simon Outlet, everyone seems to use coach bags and wallets~~ You can find the item you want faster at CATEGORY on the left^^ If you find a favorite item, click on the image + there is also an additional discount code that can be applied to your current boots and accessories!! When you select and pay for the corresponding product, enter BOOTS20 / COACHSAVE20 to receive a larger SALE!
▲ You can go to the product details page and see more details~ Now I’ll put it in the shopping basket~ If you have a variety of sizes or colors, please choose what you need and press ADD TO BAG!

▲ After checking the price and quantity in the pop-up window, click Checkout to proceed with payment
▲ Please enter your address We can’t ship directly to Japan, so you have to use a delivery agency! I mainly use iPorter, but once you sign up and get an address, it’s very easy to buy directly, so it’s recommended for first-time users! For more information, please check the link below~ They will make a copy of the US address of the distribution site. Unfortunately, coach delivery is not possible to Oregon (OR), where taxes are free, so please use another address. Even with tax, it’s much cheaper than in Korea, so you’ll have to try to buy Simon Outlet directly

How to apply for the delivery of iPorter and discount coupon! Hello, I’m Yul! Today, I’m going to tell you about the most important contents when purchasing directly!! How to apply for iPorter delivery…blog.naver.com
How to apply for the delivery of iPorter and discount coupon! Hello, I’m Yul! Today, I’m going to tell you about the most important contents when purchasing directly!! How to apply for iPorter delivery…blog.naver.comHow to apply for the delivery of iPorter and discount coupon! Hello, I’m Yul! Today, I’m going to tell you about the most important contents when purchasing directly!! How to apply for iPorter delivery…blog.naver.com▲ This is the page to select a shipping method! Please choose the cheapest one. Then we’ll go to Continue to Payment!▲ Now it’s time to write down your card information~ The important thing here is to use a card that can be paid overseas!!! Just enter the number, owner’s name, expiration date and CVC and click PAY NOW~ As I said, if you have a discount code or PROMOTION CODE that you can use to buy boots or accessories~:>▲ Finally, if you receive the tracking number by email 2-3 days after payment, please remember to apply for delivery using the number you received! So far, I have explained how to purchase Simon Outlet’s bag directly! It’s not hard, so get it with a hot dealPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image